As public interest for environmental protection and sustainable development becomes more intense day by day, Environmental and Energy Management Systems are becoming popular for companies that wish to prove their commitment, improve their performance and reduce their ecological footprint. These systems provide companies with a framework through which environmental and energy performance can be monitored, improved and controlled.
Eurocert is accredited by ESYD for conducting audits and providing certification of Environmental Management Systems according to the standard ISO 14001:2004 and the EMAS Regulation 1221/2009 (EU Eco-Management and Audit Scheme).
Additionally, in the energy sector, Eurocert provides certification of Energy Management Systems according to the standard EN 16001:2009, which aims at improving energy efficiency.
Finally, for companies that face GHG emission Legislation and are involved in the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS), Eurocert is accredited by ESYD for the Verification of Greenhouse Gas Emissions under EU ETS Directive having conducted numerous audits and verifications in Greece and abroad since 2006.